Our typical turn-key medical project
Atmel, NXP LPC and iMX, RT.
Lambda Functions
DynamoDB, Firebase
Device Drivers for Windows, Linux or Windows CE
TI OMAP, NXP iMX, Qualcomm Snapdragon
Intel Atom, Xilinx Zynq 7000.
Temperature Sensors, Proximity Sensors, Accelerometers.
React Native applications
Turn-key solutions for medical devices
Software development for medical equipment is a process more than development. We have gathered vast experience in medical software development while implementing more than 20 different projects.
Our development process is built with medical standards in mind and is based upon thorough requirements management and testing.
We use Microsoft Team Services for requirements, changes and bugs tracking, as well as Git services for version control and releases.
What we provide
Full set of software documents (SRS, SDD, STP, ICD)
Software development according to medical standard
Unit tests and code reviews
Participation in risk analysis meetings
Support during verification and validation
Static code analysis
What we have done so far
Laser dental surgery device
Hair removal device
Distance measurement sensor
Hair growth device
Lymph treatment device
Skin rejuvenation device
Vaginal treatment device
3D ST Device
Radiation exposure reduction technology
And more …
Real Time And Embedded Software
Real time and embedded software is an essential part in most of our projects. We carefully design our realtime systems, taking into account all requirements and pitfalls during development and production cycles – starting from tasks and resource management and finishing with bootloader and postmortem debugging logs.
Usually the firmware runs on small microcontrollers, but sometimes it is required to run on high-end devices like Zynq, so as a part of our design we prefer FreeRTOS usage on ARMs Cortex M device and use bare metal when device is low on hardware resources.
Firmware upgrade is a must in all recent embedded systems. We provide our clients with proprietary bootloader that is ported to many architectures and supports reliable way to upgrade the product.
STM32F/L Microcontrollers
NXP LPC, Kinetis and new crossover IMX RT
SiliconLabs former EnergyMicro
Atmel microcontrollers and Arduino devices
Cypress Psoc
Microchip PIC18 and PIC32
Analog Devices Blackfin
What we have done so far
Actuators motion controller
RF treatment device
Laser controller
Satellite firmware
Smart electricity power meter
Audio guides
Wi-Fi module integration
RFID active tag and readers
And more …
Operating System Configuration And Board Bring-Up
During last decade the market of embedded systems has been changing significantly and continuously, so in order to keep the pace with modern technologies we are constantly re-assessing market needs.
At the beginning most of our clients were using Win CE or Windows Embedded as their main OS. Nowadays we work mostly with Linux and Android for embedded development, as these systems are free and have a huge ecosystem.
Our services include OS configuration, modifications and diver development, as well as OS customization to client and environmental needs.
What we provide
Windows CE image build, setup and configuration
Linux Embedded setup and configuration
Android Embedded setup and configuration
Drivers development
Windows Embedded configuration and hardening
AMP configuration of Xilinx Zynq or Altera
System configuration to support EMI tests
What we have done so far
Linux system setup for i.MX6 and i.MX7 devices
Linux setup for low resources i.MX processor
Android setup for Qualcomm SD 410/620/820
Windows CE setup for TI OMAP controllers
Linux network driver for Realtek switch
Windows NDIS, Serial, CAN, FPGA drivers
Linux and Android touch and serial drivers
Windows Embedded image setup and hardening
Xilinx Zynq AMP setup for Linux and FreeRTOS
Altera multi-core setup for Linux and bare metal
And more …
Custom User Interface
All our projects are different and unique. One of the most important elements of the product, whether it is embedded or desktop device, is the user interface. It should be appealing, user friendly and responsive.
When we design the product, we decide which operating system to use and what technology will be used for user interface. When there is no monitor or LCD available, we implement UI using modern WEB technologies. For low resources embedded devices we recommend TouchGFX framework. We are TouchGFX official implementers.
Meanwhile UI and UX designers provide mockups, wireframes and final design images.
What we provide
WPF and Winforms applications for Windows
UI Design conversion to XAML or QML
Silverlight for Windows Embedded in Windows CE
Qt application for Windows, Linux or Android
Angular.js or React.js for WEB user interface
Android Java for embedded devices
TouchGFX porting and UI applications
What we have done so far
Medical devices running Android with UI on Java Qt
Medical devices running Linux with UI on Qt
Medical devices running on Win CE and Silverlight
Audio quide Qt user interface
Smart electricity power meter with Angular.js UI
Industrial sensor with Angular.js UI
React.js and Vue.js web applications
Android Java mobile application for military control units
TouchGFX port and consumer application
And more …
In modern world more and more embedded devices are connecting to the Internet. We provide these capabilities by integrating Wi-FI modules or LTE modems in client product and integrating Amazon SDK.
To store all the data coming from these devices we use Amazon Cloud IoT feature and NoSQL DynamoDB for data storage.
What we provide
AWS IoT SDK Integration in embedded device
Generic MQTT provider integration and Mosquitto broker setup
Integration of Atmel WI-FI module
Integration of TI CC3200 module
AWS setup for IoT and data storage
Google cloud platform setup
What we have done so far
Smart electricity power meter with AWS IoT
Medical devices with logs and data stored in Google
Consumer device with AWS IoT
Embedded sensor simulator in AWS cloud
AWS backend for a medical device